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Susan Oliver

Birth Name: Charlotte Gercke

Date of Birth: February 13, 1932

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Death: May 10, 1990

Place of Death: Woodland Hills, California, U.S.

*62.5% German
*25% English
*12.5% Scottish

Susan Oliver was an American actress, television director, and aviator. She appeared in the films The Green-Eyed Blonde, BUtterfield 8, Guns of Diablo, and Your Cheatin’ Heart, and on the show Peyton Place, among many other works.

She was the daughter of Ruth Hale Oliver, an astrologer, astrology teacher, writer, and actress, and George John Gercke, a political reporter and journalist, for the New York World. Her father was of German descent. Her mother was of one half English, one quarter Scottish, and one quarter German, ancestry.

Susan was raised in California by her mother, who became a well-known celebrity astrologer there.

Susan’s paternal grandfather was George William Gercke (the son of F. Adolph Gercke and Pauline Rose). George was a German emigrant, from Hildesheim, Lower Saxony.

Susan’s paternal grandmother was Minette Catherine Francke (the daughter of Louis Francke and Rosalie Schwartz). Minette was born in Osnabrück, Lower Saxony. Louis was born in New York, the son of German parents, Charles F. Francke and Minetta Ziermann. Rosalie was also born in New York, the daughter of Louis Schwartz, who was German, and of Catherine Boese, who was of German descent.

Susan’s maternal grandfather was Judge Leon Stauffer Oliver (the son of Jesse Hughes Oliver and Fanny Cora Meyers). Leon was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was an attorney. Jesse was born in New Jersey, the son of a father from England, and of a mother from New Jersey. Fanny was born in Pennsylvania, the daughter of German parents.

Susan’s maternal grandmother was Margaret Hunter Scott (the daughter of James Wilson Scott and Mary Jane Smart). Margaret was born in England, to a Scottish father and an English mother.

Sources: Genealogy of Susan Oliver –

Genealogy of Susan Oliver (focusing on her mother’s side) –
